I init my range slider on loading of the page:
range: true,
min: 634606,
max: 734818,
step: 1,
values: [634606, 734818]
on user input (html form) i retrieve data from the server with an ajax request. The data has to limit the slider (user input). I'm trying to achieve this with the following syntax:
// set new data values
$('#slider').slider('values',1, time[1]);
$('#slider').slider('values',0, time[0]);
// set new min/max limits
$("#slider").slider("option","max", time[1] );
$("#slider").slider("option","min", time[0] );
after using the min option the handles won't be able to move anymore. If i comment this last line out it is possible to move the handles. Am i handling the slider wrong? I even tried destroying the slider and re-initiate it with new values, without luck...