





I need to download and parse webpage with lxml and build UTF-8 xml output. I thing schema in pseudocode is more illustrative:

from lxml import etree

webfile = urllib2.urlopen(url)
root = etree.parse(webfile.read(), parser=etree.HTMLParser(recover=True))

txt = my_process_text(etree.tostring(root.xpath('/html/body'), encoding=utf8))

output = etree.Element("out")
output.text = txt

outputfile.write(etree.tostring(output, encoding=utf8))

So webfile can be in any encoding (lxml should handle this). Outputfile have to be in utf-8. I'm not sure where to use encoding/coding. Is this schema ok? (I cant find good tutorial about lxml and encoding, but I can find many problems with this...) I need robust approved solution so I ask you seniors.

Many thanks


So for sending utf-8 to lxml I use

        converted = UnicodeDammit(webfile, isHTML=True)
        if not converted.unicode:
            print "ERR. UnicodeDammit failed to detect encoding, tried [%s]", \
                ', '.join(converted.triedEncodings)
        webfile = converted.unicode.encode('utf-8')
+2  A: 

lxml can be a little wonky about input encodings. It is best to just sent UTF8 in and get UTF8 out. You might want to use the chardet module or Unicode Dammit to decode the actual data. Vaguely like:

import chardet
from lxml import html
content = urllib2.urlopen(url).read()
encoding = chardet.detect(content)['encoding']
if encoding != 'utf-8':
    content = content.decode(encoding, 'replace').encode('utf-8')
doc = html.fromstring(content, base_url=url)

I'm not sure why you are moving between lxml and etree, unless you are interacting with another library that already uses etree?

Ian Bicking
Unicode Dammit seems good. And about etree you are right, I've remove it from code.
Vojtech R.