Been having a problem with Rails/Cucumber/Haml. The below Haml file works perfectly in the development and live environments but fails in Cucumber with the following error:
/app/views/competitions/show.haml:30: syntax error, unexpected kENSURE, expecting $end (ActionView::TemplateError)
On line #30 of app/views/competitions/show.haml
Line #30 is the end of the file. It works in Haml gem version 2.2.3 but not in later ones (I've tried 2.2.23, 2.2.22, 2.2.17)
- title
- if @competition.image?
= image_tag(@competition.image_url)
=h @competition.question
- if @competition.running?
= link_to 'Enter competition', enter_path(:id => @competition.secret)
- else
= case @competition.state
- when 'scheduled' then 'Competition has not opened'
- when 'closed' then 'Competition closed'
if can? :update, @competition
= link_to 'Edit', edit_competition_path(@competition)
- if can? :show_stats, @competition
= link_to 'View stats', competition_stats_path(@competition)
Any ideas what's happening?