I know about increasing, but is there a way reduce the size of an EBS volume? Like I've put effort into my AMI but soon realized it's way to big for my needs. It's a windows 2008 instance.
You can make a snapshot of the volume and then create an ebs volume from the snapshot which is smaller. The snapshot will have a 'volume size' to give you an idea of how small you can go as I understand it.
I guess if the snapshot route doesn't work, you can just create the smaller volume, copy the larger to the smaller and then get rid of the larger.
2010-04-21 23:15:00
No I can't, I can make it larger but not smaller than the "capacity", at least not in anyway I can see at first glance. If I try it'll say "Volume size 1GiB must be at least snapshot size 30GiB."
2010-04-21 23:28:05
Interesting. My 30gb volume results in a 1gb snapshot, and I can then create a 3gb volume from the snapshot. But I'm working with linux, perhaps the windows volumes work differently.
2010-04-22 02:33:06