



As I am severely addicted to rockscroll, I'm looking for an replacement for VS2010, I tried downloading OverviewMargin, and it works, but I wanted to have a look at the code to see if I could adapt it to behave more like rockscroll, but I can't get it to compile.

Has anyone managed to get it to compile with the latest version for VS2010?

(For what it's worth, I've solved part of my original problems, the colours of the caret markers can be changed in the registry: \HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\VisualStudio\10.0\Text Editor)

Some of the errors

  • SettingsStoreImpl.cs, line 20: SVsServiceProvider doe snot exist in Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.
  • OverviewMargin.cs, line 645: ScrollMapWrapper does not implement IScrollMap.CoordinateBufferEnd (weird one this, because it's internal code)
  • StructureAdornmentManager.cs, line 112: ITagAggregator<BlockTagger.IBlockTag> does not contain a definition for BatchedTagsChanged.
  • MarkersToMarks.cs, line 35: Type or namespace IVsVisibleTextMarkerTag could not be found
  • ErrorMarks.cs, line 36: Type or namespace IErrorTag could not be found
  • StructureMarginFactory.cs, line 17: Duplicate 'Order' attribute
  • OverviewMargin.cs, line 190: DefaultTextViewOptions does not contain definition for 'IsViewportLeftClippedId'
  • OverviewMargin.cs, line 200: IWpfTextView does not contain definition for 'LineHeight'.
  • OverviewMargin.cs, line 623: IScrollMap does not contain a definition for 'End'.
  • OverviewMargin.cs, line 695: IScrollMap does not contain a definition for 'Start'.
  • OverviewMargin.cs, line 700: IScrollMap does not contain a definition for 'End'