How I can serach a .txt file in any directoty(i.e. c:\,d:\ etc.) using file functions in power bulilder.
You can use a ListBox
control to get a list of files/directories based on a given string pattern (*.txt, myfile.txt, .etc). Look at the DirList
function in the help. And here is an example from here showing how to use a ListBox control without putting it visually on a window.
string ls_files[]
window lw_1
listbox llb_1
int li_items, li_i
Open( lw_1 )
lw_1.openUserObject( llb_1 )
llb_1.DirList( sFileSpec, uFileType )
li_items = llb_1.TotalItems()
For li_i = 1 to li_items
ls_files[ li_i ] = llb_1.Text( li_i )
lw_1.closeUserObject( llb_1 )
Close( lw_1 )
So, if all you're doing is looking for files, you can do this with a listbox.DirList(), or if you want to do this without being tied to a window or a control, you can call WinAPI functions to do this:
Function long FindFirstFileW (ref string filename, ref os_finddata findfiledata) library "KERNEL32.DLL" alias for "FindFirstFileW"
Function boolean FindNextFileW (long handle, ref os_finddata findfiledata) library "KERNEL32.DLL" alias for "FindNextFileW"
where os_finddata is defined as
unsignedlong ul_fileattributes
os_filedatetime str_creationtime
os_filedatetime str_lastaccesstime
os_filedatetime str_lastwritetime
unsignedlong ul_filesizehigh
unsignedlong ul_filesizelow
unsignedlong ul_reserved0
unsignedlong ul_reserved1
character ch_filename[260]
character ch_alternatefilename[14]
and os_filedatetime is defined as
unsignedlong ul_lowdatetime
unsignedlong ul_highdatetime
If you want examples of how to use these, look in PFC (PowerBuilder Foundation Classes, available at CodeXchange) at the object (pfcapsrv.pbl)pfc_n_cst_filesrvunicode.of_DirList (). (That's where these prototypes and the structures are copied from, BTW.)
Good luck,