




I'm dynamically generating radio buttons in my code behind and assigning javascript to them as they are created. This javascript will change the value in a hidden field for when a postback is eventually triggered (autopostback on the buttons is disabled). I am using the exact same method with ASP ImageButtons and it works fine but when I do it with the radio buttons the event never triggers the Javascript. I suspect that I may be using the wrong event name but I have tried several (onclick, onCheckedChanged, etc).

Here is a sample of the VB.NETcode - how come this works fine with my button but not my radiobutton!

//This is my hidden field
ClientScript.RegisterHiddenField(Me.UniqueID & "_someVariable", "")
Dim radDefault As RadioButton = New RadioButton()
radDefault.GroupName = "radio buttons"
radDefault.AutoPostBack = False
//This adds the Javascript to set the hidden field with an onClick event
radDefault.Attributes.Add("onClick", "document.forms[0]." & Me.UniqueID & "_someVariable.value='0';document.forms[0].submit();")

The code is simplified as the button generation is actually through an iterator but the same properties are given to each generated radio button.


the postback caused by pressing the button was actually clearing the value of the hidden field (different behaviour from assigning the javascript to a button)
