




Could you please suggest a simple SMTP server with the very basic APIs(by very basic I mean, to read,write,delete email) that could be run on a linux box? I just need to convert the crux of the email into XML format and FTP it to another machine.


There is Python SMTP server.

Yes,I know.But,I'm unable to figure out how to read email with that lib!A way round this problem, perhaps?
+2  A: 

There are really 2 things required to send an email:

  • An SMTP Server - This can either be the Python SMTP Server or you can use GMail or your ISP's server. Chances are you don't need to run your own.
  • An SMTP Library - Something that will send an email request to the SMTP server. Python ships with a library called smtplib that can do that for you. There is tons of information on how to use it here: http://docs.python.org/library/smtplib.html

For reading, there are two options depending on what server you are reading the email from.

Chris Dail
+1  A: 

Take a look at this SMTP sink server

It uses smtpd.SMTPServer to dump emails to files.

hasen j
THIS is awesome!