I have a cache of data which is getting refreshed from an outside source, and I want to limit my access tot his cache (readonly) inside of my app. I don't want to have refresh the datasource everytime I need access to it (ie. on instantiation go and pull all the data I need, as there is quite a bit of data that is being kept up to date).
type MySingleton =
static val mutable private instance: MySingleton
static member GetInstance() =
I guess this is one of the gotchas about implementing a project and trying to learn the language at the same time. I know the logic needs to be
if instance is null
if instance is null
instance = new MySingleton()
but the lack of null is throwing me for a loop. I think I can use an option type etc but it is throwing me for a loop
type MySingleton =
static val mutable private instance: MySingleton option
static member GetInstance() =
match instance with
| Some(i) -> i
| None ->
*MySingleton.instance = new MySingleton()
that logic is wrong according to the compiler...
if Helper.notExists MySingleton.instance then
MySingleton.instance <- Some(new MySingleton())
should I be using IF statements instead? Is there a prefered pattern for this syntax in f#?
Thank you