Hello I'm using ryan Bates railscast on HABTM checkboxes.... I looking for the way to call a specific record from the set, allow me to explain.
In my view I have
<% for interest in Interest.find(:all) %>
<%= check_box_tag "user[interest_ids][]", interest.id, @user.interests.include?(interest) %>
<%= interest.name %>
<% end %>
Which does a great job of finding the entire list of interests and providing checkboxes as well...Now I would like to query specific interests from my Interest model, and the find(:all) will no longer work.
How could I do that? I was thinking something like Interest.find(3) but how can I do this without the for loop and where would the find(3) part go?
Anyone know where I can tell it to give me the checkbox and interest.name for a specific id??