



hi, i have wrote a script to produce an array of data but now want to display in order of score. The array outputs as follows;

[display_name] => Array
        [0] => ACT_Web_Designs
        [1] => user1_design
        [2] => user2_design

[proffesion] => Array
        [0] => Web Developer
        [1] => web developer
        [2] => Web Developer

[score] => Array
        [0] => 15
        [1] => 6
        [2] => 15

[img] => Array
        [0] => ./?0000=gif&0001=3fadb8c362ff39f3322909899ff14760&0002=prof_pic
        [1] => 
        [2] => 

so in a nutshell I am wanting it to be converted as follows;

    [display_name] => Array
        [0] => ACT_Web_Designs
        [1] => user2_design
        [2] => user1_design

[proffesion] => Array
        [0] => Web Developer
        [1] => web developer
        [2] => Web Developer

[score] => Array
        [0] => 15
        [1] => 15
        [2] => 6

[img] => Array
        [0] => ./?0000=gif&0001=3fadb8c362ff39f3322909899ff14760&0002=prof_pic
        [1] => 
        [2] => 

I have been looking at asort() but cant get anything to work. any help would be much appreciated.


Doesn't it work to just rsort the score array?

rsort($data['score'], SORT_NUMERIC);
no, just the score array.
Phil Jackson

I have managed to do this, i was just after a more efficient way;

$array = array(
            'display_name' => array(0 => 'ACT_Web_Designs', 1 => 'user1_design', 2 => 'user2_design' ),
            'proffesion' => array( 0 => 'Web Developer', 1 => 'web developer', 2 => 'Web Developer' ),
            'score' => array( 0 => 15, 1 => 6, 2 => 15 ),
            'img' => array( 0 => './?0000=gif&0001=3fadb8c362ff39f3322909899ff14760&0002=prof_pic', 1 => '', 2 => '' )

arsort($array['score'], SORT_NUMERIC );
foreach($array['score'] as $key => $val ) {
    $newarray['display_name'][] = $array['display_name'][$key];
    $newarray['proffesion'][] = $array['proffesion'][$key];
    $newarray['score'][] = $array['score'][$key];
    $newarray['img'][] = $array['img'][$key];



    [display_name] => Array
            [0] => ACT_Web_Designs
            [1] => user2_design
            [2] => user1_design

    [proffesion] => Array
            [0] => Web Developer
            [1] => Web Developer
            [2] => web developer

    [score] => Array
            [0] => 15
            [1] => 15
            [2] => 6

    [img] => Array
            [0] => ./?0000=gif&0001=3fadb8c362ff39f3322909899ff14760&0002=prof_pic
            [1] => 
            [2] => 

Phil Jackson

This will not re-sort them for you, but it will let you go through them in the order you want. You can reassign them if you want, but I'd just use this for the output order.

Edit: This will not work, due to the possibility of non-unique key values. See Comments below, and learn from my mistake

$sort_order = $array['score'];
$sort_order = array_flip($sort_order);
foreach($sort_order as $key){
    echo $array['display_name'][$key].' - '.$array['score'][$key];
Syntax Error
We had the same idea! However you ran into a problem by using array_flip because scores are not guaranteed to be unique. See my answer for my variation.
Ah, I see the problem. Thanks for straightening me out ;)
Syntax Error
+4  A: 

This is exactly where the PHP's array_multisort comes to use. It is a case where you want to sort many arrays based on the comparison happening in just one of them.

I've modified the array score to have distinct values.


$arr = array(
                'display_name' => array('ACT_Web_Designs','user1_design','user2_design'),
                'proffesion' => array('Web Developer','web developer','web developer'),
                'score' => array(12,6,15),
                'img' => array('./?0000=gif&0001=3fadb8c362ff39f3322909899ff14760&0002=prof_pic','','')

array_multisort($arr['score'], SORT_ASC, SORT_NUMERIC,


Here goes a working demo.

Have you ever had the feeling that PHP has too many sorting functions? All you ever need to do, is find the right one and all your problems go away.I learned a new one today, thank you.
christian studer
@Christian: Agree, there are many sorting function. Each one is for a certain problem to solve. Its good that we don't have to write our own sort function most of the times.
+1  A: 

How about this simpler one

$arr = array("k"=>array("A","B","C"),"l"=>array(15,6,15),"n"=>array("k","l","n"));
Srinivas Reddy Thatiparthy

Use rsort()

$fruits = array("lemon", "orange", "banana", "apple");
while (list($key, $val) = each($fruits)) {
    echo "$key = $val\n";

This example would display:

0 = orange
1 = lemon
2 = banana
3 = apple

The most elegant solution that I could find would not reorder the data structure but merely access it in a different fashion.

$scores = $data['score'];
$keys_ordered_by_score = array_keys($scores);

Now you can, say, grab the display_name and "proffesion" that has the highest score by the following:

$first_place = $keys_ordered_by_score[0];
echo $data['display_name'][$first_place],
     ' is a ', $data['proffesion'][$first_place];

Of course, if you really need to reorder the data structure, this idea is useless to you. Any of the other answers using array_multisort() will likely suit that need.
