



I want to allow user to drag and drop UI elements. I've 'container' and 'control', control may be in container, containers may include other containers (this is important requirement). I created simple prototype using jQuery.


<div class="one">
<div class="control">Control 1</div>
<div class="control">Control 2</div>
<div class="control container">
  Container drag area
  <div class="control">Subcontrol 1</div>
  <div class="control">Subcontrol 2</div>
  <div class="control">Subcontrol 3</div>
  <div class="control">Subcontrol 4</div>
  <div class="control">Subcontrol 5</div>
  <div class="control">Subcontrol 6</div>
  <div class="control">Subcontrol 7</div>
  <div class="control">Subcontrol 8</div>
  <div class="control">Subcontrol 9</div>
<div class="control">Control 3</div>

Then I created sortables using jQueryUI:

  items: 'div.control',
  placeholder: 'placeholder',
  forcePlaceholderSize: true

Now when I'm trying to drag "Subcontrol 8" and place it between "Subcontrol 2" and "Subcontrol 3" for example I'm getting jumpy effect, you can observe it here:

Interesting thing is - when I remove ability to drag "container" then it becomes smooth and perfect (you can see this on jsbin example below "jumpy" example, you can't drag using "Container drag area" span). I tried different "nested" plugins and techniques, google'd for a long time and the only one that worked was on this page: (StackOverflow doesn't allow me to post more than one like, google for "Brian Swartzfager's Blog: Nested List Sort Demo" should be first, sorry!)

But it does work great only in jQuery1.2 and very old jQueryUI. If I include latest jQuery (1.3/1.4) and UI (1.7/1.8) it gets jumpy as well. What am I doing wrong?


Hi, did you solve your problem? I am also trying to get a nested sortable to work. The Swartzfagers solution does exactly what I want, but I also cant get it to work with latest JQuery/UI.

No, I haven't found a proper solution but did found good enough (for me) workaround. I attached mouse button down event to sortable elements and based on click context I'm building sortable appropriate only for this particular sortable start. Sortable is removed before next mouse down. It is not ideal and requires fiddling with selectors (+appropriate naming/classing so you can actually select what you want) but does the job. I also needed to add unmoveable div instead of "drop on empty". Hope that helps, reply here if not and I'll try to post some examples.
Hi, I would like to see some examples, very appreciated. I also had time to investigate and am fiddling around with some strange - but partly working - solutions. Have to clean them up and post them, too.

Hi, in case you are still interested, I recently developed a plugin which makes nested sorting work with the latest jQuery and jQuery UI
