I'm trying to convert a camtasia html/javascript video embed code to a wordpress flowplayer shortcode.
The original code is as follows:
<p>The Camtasia Studio video content presented here requires JavaScript to be enabled and the latest version of the Adobe Flash Player. If you are you using a browser with JavaScript disabled please enable it now. Otherwise, please update your version of the free Adobe Flash Player by <a href="http://www.adobe.com/go/getflashplayer">downloading here</a>. </p>
var fo = new SWFObject( "http://www.superaffiliatecoachingclub.com/sacconly/utl/modules/sitereviews/compucard/compucard_controller.swf", "csSwf", "640", "535", "8", "#FFFFFF" );
fo.addVariable( "csConfigFile", "http://www.superaffiliatecoachingclub.com/sacconly/utl/modules/sitereviews/compucard/compucard_config.xml" );
fo.addVariable( "csColor" , "FFFFFF" );
fo.addVariable( "csPreloader" , "http://www.superaffiliatecoachingclub.com/sacconly/utl/modules/sitereviews/compucard/compucard_preload.swf" );
if( args.movie )
fo.addVariable( "csFilesetBookmark", args.movie );
The output I need is like so: