



I'm looking for a good way to store and use hierarchical (parent/child) data in Django. I've been using django-mptt, but it seems entirely incompatible with my brain - I end up with non-obvious bugs in non-obvious places, mostly when moving things around in the tree: I end up with inconsistent state, where a node and its parent will disagree on their relationship.

My needs are simple:

  • Given a node:
    • find its root
    • find its ancestors
    • find its descendants
  • With a tree:
    • easily move nodes (ie. change parent)

My trees will be smallish (at most 10k nodes over 20 levels, generally much much smaller, say 10 nodes with 1 or 2 levels).

I have to think there has to be an easier way to do trees in python/django. Are there other approaches that do a better job of maintaining consistency?

+1  A: 

django-treebeard is another option. It has great documentation. I believe it meets all of your above requirements and includes some functions for checking the tree for problems and fixing those problems in the tree.



Mark Lavin
For what it's worth I ended up sticking with mptt and working through the issues, although I'm not particularly happy about it. treebeard looks like a good alternative so I'm accepting the answer.