




I prefer to develop with E_NOTICES turned on, but I often have to write excess, overly verbose, code when working with array indexes. How can I write this code in less code with E_NOTICES enabled.

With notices suppressed

if ($_REQUEST['some_key'] == 'bob')

Without notices suppressed

if (array_key_exists('some_key', $_REQUEST) && $_REQUEST['some_key'] == 'bob')
+3  A: 

I generally use isset(), instead of array_key_exists(), for that kind of thing ; which means using something like this :

if (isset($_REQUEST['some_key']) && $_REQUEST['some_key'] == 'bob')

A couple of differences :

  • isset is a language construct, and not a function -- and its faster (no function call)
  • note that isset will return false if a data is null ; array_key_exists will return true
    • But it's often not a problem, especially when dealing with GET/POST parameters
  • it shorter to write (a couple less characters)
    • and you can use something like if (isset($_REQUEST['a'], $_REQUEST['b'], $_REQUEST['c']), if necessary
I prefer array_key_exists() because isset() can't tell difference between NULL value and non-existant keys.
ZZ Coder
Thx Pascal for the robust answer. I think I'll stick to using an input/request library that allows for default values to be set on null/empty vars. ie, $w00lsworth = Input::get('the_var', 'default_value_if_not_passed');
John Himmelman
@ZZ Coder: in what situations do you need to be able to tell the difference? I've never needed to do something with a variable that has been explicitly set to null.
@John : you're welcome :-) ;; of course, you are the one choosing the solution, in the end ;-)
@John using an abstraction for the Request is much better anyway, as it decouples you from the actual server environment. Can easily mock Requests this way.

The easy way out is to use @ for error suppression:

if (@$_REQUEST['some_key'] == 'bob') {}

However, this can be very slow if you're using it more than once or twice per page load.

Another solution is to assign your unknown by reference (although I'm not 100% sure this will work for superglobals like $_REQUEST):

$some_key =& $_REQUEST['some_key'];
if ($some_key == 'bob') {}

Generally, I just use isset like Pascal said.

I'd feel queasy looking at my code with @s splattered everywhere. It should be reserved for special use cases, and standout in your code (ie, if you're debugging a mysterious bug as a result of a suppressed message, it will be a pita, but at least it will be easy to find if it stands out in the code)
John Himmelman
Also, silencing the error is about 4 times slower than calling isset()
Kevin Schroeder