Hey all
Basically I want to replicate the page changing effect found here, at http://timvandamme.com/
But instead of using #values I want to use PHP includes, mainly because I want the site to be as uber-seo-friendly as possible... but still have this nice effect.
So is there a way of doing this? I have a main index file which includes other php files in the centre using the usual 'GET' method, so my pages look like: "index.php?page=about"
In my jQuery code I want to have a declaration where if I click the navigation, the content scrolls up, then once the relevant PHP file has loaded, have the content scroll back down and show the new page content (whilst also of navigated to the new page in the address bar, so if the user clicks the back button in their browser, they return to the previous page).
I know how to code the scrolling bits, it's just literally the ajax loading includes / page navigation parts I'm struggling to work out :\
Any help would be MUCH appreciated!!! Thanks in advance.