A simple link would be nice for me to understand how to install my C++ program as a daemon in UNIX, now I know some will say this should be on Server Fault, but as far as I understand it I need the init.d shell script to actually create the start and stop for the daemons.
But if you guys can show me a simple shell script for the daemon and the file directories every thing required is associated with, that would be great.
I was going to do this http://www.linux.com/archive/feed/46892 but if you read the comments every one is moaning x( .
P.S. I've already done the required code for C++ to run as a daemon; I just need to know how to actually install it as a daemon. At the moment I'm using crontab which is just not a good idea for the future of my problem.
Edit: OS: Fedora, Release 12 (Constantine)