



What I want to do is invoke maven from a groovy script. The groovy script in question is used as a maven wrapper to build J2EE projects by downloading a tag and invoking maven on what was downloaded. How should I accomplish invoking maven to build/package the EAR (the groovy script is already capable of downloading the tag from SCM).


You may use Runtime class to launch a shell command. take a look here: You may later capture the results of the Process execution (to find out if it failed or not).

Alex Khvatov
+2  A: 

The simplest way to invoke an external process in Groovy is to use the execute() command on a string. For example, to execute maven from a groovy script run this:

"cmd /c mvn".execute()

If you want to capture the output of the command and maybe print it out, you can do this:

print "cmd /c mvn".execute().text

The 'cmd /c' at the start invokes the Windows command shell. Since mvn.bat is a batch script you need this. For Unix you can invoke the system shell.

Chris Dail
Cool! Didn't know you can do that.