



I have a .war file for an application that normally runs fine in Jetty.

I'm trying to port the application to run in WebLogic, but at startup I'm getting these exceptions:

ERROR:Foo - Error in named query: findBar
org.hibernate.QueryException: ClassNotFoundException: org.hibernate.hql.ast.HqlToken [from Bar]
    at org.hibernate.hql.ast.HqlLexer.panic(
    at antlr.CharScanner.setTokenObjectClass(
    at org.hibernate.hql.ast.HqlLexer.setTokenObjectClass(
    at antlr.CharScanner.<init>(
    at antlr.CharScanner.<init>(
    at org.hibernate.hql.antlr.HqlBaseLexer.<init>(
    at org.hibernate.hql.antlr.HqlBaseLexer.<init>(
    at org.hibernate.hql.antlr.HqlBaseLexer.<init>(

What's the best way to fix this?

I'm using Hibernate 3.3.1.GA and WebLogic

+2  A: 

WebLogic has its own version of ANTLR and this causes the problem you're facing. One way to solve it with a web application is to set the prefer-web-inf-classes element in weblogic.xml to true.


The weblogic.xml goes in WEB-INF.

Pascal Thivent
+1.. I just wonder why "true" isn't the default value of the setting?
@Bozho Not sure what the Java EE spec says about that but a parent first strategy seems logical to me.
Pascal Thivent
That fixed it. It caused a seperate ClassCastException, which was fixed by following the advice in this post:

If you have an EAR project like myself then you need to add this element to weblogic ear deployment descriptor [weblogic-application.xml]

shane lee