



I know that there is already a question (actually some more) about this, but the answers to them didn't help me out very much, as I am pretty new to lighttpd.

I have one folder which contains .pdf-files. When doing a HttpResponseRedirect to the locations of one of those .pdf-files, the user should be able to download the .pdf file (or view it in the browser). Right now, Django just redirects to my "home" html page, without showing any pdf-file.

Somehow, I will have to tell lighttpd that Django shouldn't handle this directory anymore. Is this the only thing I need to do? If yes, how should i do it?

+2  A: 

Did you saw the section "lighttpd setup" in the Django docs? Using alias.url an url.rewrite-once you can route the requests to you app or a folder serving files:

alias.url = (
    "/pdfs" => "/path/to/my/pdfs",

url.rewrite-once = (
    "^(/pdfs.*)$" => "$1",
    "^(/.*)$" => "/mysite.fcgi$1",
does this also work for subfolders of "/pdfs"?btw., thanks for your answer. When i go to "/path/to/my/pdfs" (other path for me, of course), django returns "Directory indexes are not allowed here.", so it seems it is still handling it.
What URL do you use? or something like this. Are you sure, that the "Directory indexes are not allowed here." message is not from lighttpd? Perhaps you need to enable directory listing with mod_dirlisting (
the fault was a totally different one, i missed a slash in the argument of HttpResponseRedirect...