




*EDIT --- Trying an even more simplified version.... Still doesn't work... Returns $(this).closest is not a function error... *

$("#fitable input[name^=f1]").focus(function() {
        var newRow = '<tr><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td></tr>';

Original Post

Pretty new to jQuery, so I'm hoping someone can help me out... There's a couple of things going on here... Help with any part of it is appreciated.

For starters, I'm trying to append a row to a table when a user clicks in the first enabled input field for that row. Here's the code I'm trying to use:

    $("#fitable > tbody > tr > td > input").bind('focus', function() {
        if($(this).attr('disabled', false)) {
            $(this).click(function() {
                    var newRow = '<tr><td><input name="f1[]" value="" /><label>CustNew</label></td><td><input name="field_n1[]" value="" /><label>N1</label></td><td><input name="field_n2[]" value="" /><label>N2</label></td></tr>';

If it's helpful, here's the html:

<table id="fitable">
        <tr valign="top">
            <td><input disabled="disabled" name="cust" id="edit-cust" value="[email protected]" type="text"><label>Cust</label></td>
            <td><input name="field_n1[]" value="" type="text"><label>N1</label></td>
            <td><input name="field_n2[]" value="" type="text"><label>N2</label></td>

I think your if statement is setting the clicked attribute to false. Try this:

if( $( this ).attr( 'disabled' ) == false ) {
    // do stuff
Thanks. I tried that, unfortunately, same behavior... as in no appending happening... Do you see anything else it could be?
in the if statement, add console.log( 'if' ); or something.. just to test you're actually getting into that statement. Then open your console and check for the log. Or, if you don't want to use the console, do alert( 'if' ); in place of console.log... let us know what happens
alert('if') pops up, so I know I'm in the right place... I altered my code to make it even more simple, and it's still not appending... Going to edit my original post in just a sec so you can see the latest revision...
Try wrapping your append var: $( [your stuff] )

Try this:

$("#fitable input").focus(function() {
        if($(this).attr('disabled', false)) {
            $(this).click(function() {
                    var newRow = '<tr><td><input name="f1[]" value="" /><label>CustNew</label></td><td><input name="field_n1[]" value="" /><label>N1</label></td><td><input name="field_n2[]" value="" /><label>N2</label></td></tr>';
Trying this returns an error: $(this).closest is not a function... (?)

I think your selector is incorrect. Try this:

$("#fitable > tr td input:enabled:first").focus(function() {
    var newRow = '<tr><td><input name="f1[]" value="" /><label>CustNew</label></td><td><input name="field_n1[]" value="" /><label>N1</label></td><td><input name="field_n2[]" value="" /><label>N2</label></td></tr>';

You don't have to check disabled in the handler function, because this will only bind to the enabled elements in the first place.

Jim Schubert