I've got a simple login system using PHP sessions, but just recently it seems that if you visit pages not in a certain directory (/login/) you will always be flagged as not logged in, even when you are. It seems that my session data is being lost when I change directories (say, to /login/user/).
I don't think I've touched the code myself since the problem appeared, is there something my web host could have done to my PHP installation that would delete the session data, and is there a workaround?
Inside each file that needs authorization, it loads a loginfunctions.php file which calls session_start() and checks the login. Files which work in /login and i copy and paste into /login/user stop working, even though i update all the relevant paths and links.
EDIT2: Okay, some code.
In the actual pages that are giving me the error, this is the auth. code:
$login = new login;
Inside loginFunctions.php is this:
class login{
function checkLogin($requiredAccess){
if($_SESSION['accesslevel'] < $requiredAccess || $_SESSION['logged_in'] != TRUE){
die("You don't have access to this area. If you should have access, please log in again. <a href='/login/'>Login</a>");
if (isset($_SESSION['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])){
die("Bad session. Please log in again. <a href='/login/'>Login</a> ");
} else {
if (!isset($_SESSION['initiated'])){
$_SESSION['initiated'] = true;
The $requiredAccess variable is the access level that you need to access this page, so if you have an accesslevel of 3 in the database you can view level 0, 1, 2 and 3 pages. This is specified when the function is called in the main page and is compared to the access level of the current user which is defined in $_SESSIONS when they log in.
I'm getting the error 'You don't have access to this area etc." when i try to access these pages. If i try to print the $_SESSION variables, nothing shows; they appear to be empty. However, if I move the file to the /login/ folder (one level up) and update the links, they work perfectly and all the variables print out fine. This makes me think the code is not the part that's not working, but some setting in my PHP install that has been changed without my notice.