



Here's a very simple example of what I'm trying to get around:

class Test(object):
    some_dict = {Test: True}

The problem is that I cannot refer to Test while it's still being defined

Normally, I'd just do this:

class Test(object):
    some_dict = {}
    def __init__(self):
        if self.__class__.some_dict == {}:
            self.__class__.some_dict = {Test: True}

But I never create an instance of this class. It's really just a container to hold a group of related functions and data (I have several of these classes, and I pass around references to them, so it is necessary for Test to be it's own class)

So my question is, how could I refer to Test while it's being defined, or is there something similar to __init__ that get's called as soon as the class is defined? If possible, I want self.some_dict = {Test: True} to remain inside the class definition. This is the only way I know how to do this so far:

class Test(object):
    def class_init(cls):
        cls.some_dict = {Test: True}
+4  A: 

You could add the some_dict attribute after the main class definition.

class Test(object):
Test.some_dict = {Test: True}
This is the way to do this.
Paul McGuire
Agreed - this is the correct answer.
Shane C. Mason
+8  A: 

The class does in fact not exist while it is being defined. The way the class statement works is that the body of the statement is executed, as a block of code, in a separate namespace. At the end of the execution, that namespace is passed to the metaclass (such as type) and the metaclass creates the class using the namespace as the attributespace.

From your description, it does not sound necessary for Test to be a class. It sounds like it should be a module instead. some_dict is a global -- even if it's a class attribute, there's only one such attribute in your program, so it's not any better than having a global -- and any classmethods you have in the class can just be functions.

If you really want it to be a class, you have three options: set the dict after defining the class:

class Test:
    some_dict = {}
Test.some_dict[Test] = True

Use a class decorator (in Python 2.6 or later):

def set_some_dict(cls):
    cls.some_dict[cls] = True

class Test:
    some_dict = {}

Or use a metaclass:

class SomeDictSetterType(type):
    def __init__(self, name, bases, attrs):
        self.some_dict[self] = True
        super(SomeDictSetterType, self).__init__(name, bases, attrs)

class Test(object):
    __metaclass__ = SomeDictSetterType
    some_dict = {}
Thomas Wouters
+1 for detailed answer
Rob Golding
It *could* be a module, but I'd prefer it be a class. If it was in a separate module, I'd have to do a bit of rearranging to prevent circular imports. Also, I'd need to have 20 tabs open when editing my project if all those classes were in different files. Anyways, thanks for telling me about Metaclasses.
the decorator is a cool approach
Shane C. Mason

You can also use a metaclass (a function here but there are other ways):

def Meta(name, bases, ns):
    klass = type(name, bases, ns)
    setattr(klass, 'some_dict', { klass: True })
    return klass

class Test(object):
    __metaclass__ = Meta

print Test.some_dict