I want to make some custom controls, with images as buttons. I don't want images ON buttons - I want to totally replace the button with an image read from a file. Is it possible?
You can use the PictureBox
control and use the Click
event on it to handle clicks.
2010-04-25 08:55:14
Thanks, but here comes the problem: I need to handle MouseDown and other Mouse--- events.
2010-04-25 09:06:13
@fonix232 - Did you look at the list of supported events? `MouseDown` and other mouse events are supported. http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/1dk48x94%28v=VS.100%29.aspx
2010-04-25 09:16:46
Are they? Then thanks for the help!
2010-04-25 09:18:17