EJBs seem to be loaded lazily - whenever accessed.
However, I want to initialize them eagerly - i.e. whenever the container starts-up. How is this achieved (in JBoss in particular)
This topic gives some hints, but isn't quite satisfactory.
EJBs seem to be loaded lazily - whenever accessed.
However, I want to initialize them eagerly - i.e. whenever the container starts-up. How is this achieved (in JBoss in particular)
This topic gives some hints, but isn't quite satisfactory.
As of EJB 3.1, singleton beans can be notified of module start and stop:
public class StartupBean {
private void postConstruct() { /* ... */ }
private void preDestroy() { /* ... */ }
Prior to EJB 3.1, there is no standard, EJB-only solution. I'd suggest adding a WAR to your EAR and using a servlet-context-listener.
According to Adam Bien's Real World Java EE Patterns - Rethinking Best Practices (see a summary of the patterns) and the Service Starter pattern, it is indeed as bkail suggests