Next Semester I will be taking a "Software Practive II" class. In that class, my professor wants us to learn XNA. I have been playing around with XNA for quite sometime, and enjoy its functionality and simplicity. However, XNA does not take advantage of System.Windows.Forms. Using CEGUI# I was able to get XNA to work with System.Windows.Forms, BUT it has limited functionality (For example, while the mouse has has "Left-click" and "Double-left-click" it doesn't have "drag").
And so, I am ditching XNA for a new framework. Here's my question --> Is there a C# framework that has all of the functionality and simplicity as XNA, but is also fully compatible with System.Windows.Forms (or at least, fully compatible with System.Windows.Forms if I use a 3rd party tool)? The framework does NOT have to work with XBox360 - it only has to work with Windows XP and Windows Vista. I would like it to have similar syntax to XNA (In other words, to have similar methods like LoadContent, Draw, and Update).
Thank you for your time,