When using :
document.onmouseover = function(e) {}
Is there a property which gives me the element in the dom tree ?
For example, I can set a style to e.srcElement
But, how can I later access this element to (for example) reset its style ?
And how can I know at which place in the dom tree it is ?
I want to be able to situate it in the whole page dump.
Many thanks.
To solve the problem about reaccessing the element later, I tried this but it doesn't work :
var lastelem;
document.onmouseover = function(e) {
if (lastelem != null){
lastelem.style.border = "0px";
if (e===undefined) e= window.event;
var target= 'target' in event? event.target : event.srcElement;
document.getElementById('display').value = target.tagName;
target.style.border = "1px";
lastelem = target;