



I'm trying to sort a multidimensional object, and, after looking on and around here, I get that I should write a function that I can then call via usort. I'm having some trouble with the syntax. I haven't ever written something this complicated before, and trying to figure it out feels like a mindbender...

I'm working with the array posted at the end of this post. I want to filter out duplicate [n] values. But, and this is the tricky part for me, I want to keep the [n] value that has the smallest [d] value.

So, if I have (and this example is simplified, the real array is at the end of this post):

Array ( 

[7777] => Array 
            ( [0] => Array
                ( [n] => '12345' [d] => 1 ) 
              [1] => Array
                ( [n] => '67890' [d] => 4 )

[8888] => Array
            ( [2] => Array
                ( [n] => '12345' [d] => 10 )
              [3] => Array
                ( [n] => '67890' [d] => 2 )

I want to filter out duplicate [n] values based on the [d] value, so that I wind up with this:

Array ( 

[7777] => Array 
            ( [0] => Array
                ( [n] => '12345' [d] => 1 ) 

[8888] => Array
              [3] => Array
                ( [n] => '67890' [d] => 2 )

I've tried writing different variations of the function cmp example posted on, but I haven't been able to get any to work, and I think it's because I'm not altogether clear on how to traverse it using their example...

I tried:

function cmp($a, $b) 
    if($a['n'] == $b['n'])
        if($a['d'] == $b['d'])
            return 0;
    return ($a['n'] < $b['n']) ? -1 : 1;

But, that really did not work at all... Anyway, here's the real array I'm trying to work with... Help is greatly appreciated!

    [32112] => Array
            [0] => Array
                    [n] => '02124'
                    [d] => '0'

            [1] => Array
                    [n] => '02124'
                    [d] => '0.240101905123744'

            [2] => Array
                    [n] => '11050'
                    [d] => '0.441758632682761'

            [3] => Array
                    [n] => '02186'
                    [d] => '0.317514080260304'
    [43434] => Array
            [4] => Array
                    [n] => '02124'
                    [d] => '5.89936971664429e-05'

            [5] => Array
                    [n] => '02124'
                    [d] => '0.145859264792549'

            [6] => Array
                    [n] => '11050'
                    [d] => '0.327864593457739'

            [7] => Array
                    [n] => '11050'
                    [d] => '0.312135345168295'
+1  A: 

You're not really sorting as much as filtering. You'll want to for through the arrays storing n/d values and comparing then unsetting when applicable.

Hmm, well I tried this, but it didn't work, so maybe I'm not understanding or maybe my syntax is wrong? $m = 1;$v = 0;foreach($ns as $key => $value) { foreach($value as $k2) { if($value[$m]['n'] == $value[$v]['n'] } $m++; $v++; }}
use for, not foreach.