MYMESSAGE = "<div>Hello</div><p></p>Hello"
send_mail("testing",MYMESSAGE,"[email protected]",['[email protected]'],fail_silently=False)
However, this message doesn't get the HTML mime type when it is sent. In my outlook, I see the code...
MYMESSAGE = "<div>Hello</div><p></p>Hello"
send_mail("testing",MYMESSAGE,"[email protected]",['[email protected]'],fail_silently=False)
However, this message doesn't get the HTML mime type when it is sent. In my outlook, I see the code...
From the docs:
msg = EmailMessage(subject, html_content, from_email, [to])
msg.content_subtype = "html" # Main content is now text/html
You can only change the subtype of the mimetype it seems. So it will always be
"text/%s" % msg.content_subtype