



I create a action called "error404" in controller "pages", I would like to display this action if the following situation occurred:

  1. the controller in URL is not existed
  2. the action in URL is not existed

what should I do?

I tried to follow the instruction in this page, , but seems only work with first situation.

Thanks for help. :)


I think if action in your controller is not existed and your controller is due to the scaffold generation then by default it goes to the 'show' method of a controller.

For Ex;:-

Here your "controller_name" is valid Controller. &

"invalid_action_name" is invalid action.

Then by default it goes to the 'show' method of "controller_name" & considered "invalid_action_name" as a params[:id].

so in show method you can rescue the error and can show the valid error page such as "Record not found" or "error 404"

EDITED you have to add route for a new method name in your /config/routes.rb as follows

map.resources :controller_name, :collection=>{:show=>:get}

don't forget to restart a server whenever you change this file.

Thanks. I am new to RoR and not quite understand.I created a new action called "show". When I hit the invalid_action_name, it didn't go into the action "show". It just give me....Unknown actionNo action responded to invalid_action_name. Actions: xxxx, xxxx, xxxIs that I made anything wrong?
you have to add route to your routes.rb. please look into my Edited Answer.
oops. it's not working for me. but thanks for your help anyway. :)