


+3  Q: 

JSP Tag Recursion

I am implementing a tree tag for one of my practice projects, where I would display the contents of a directory in the form of a tree (recursively). I had implemented a similar requirement as a Custom Tag in Java during the pre-JSP2.0 days. Handling a directory needs recursion (to handle the subdirectories)! Is it possible to code this as tag files and can they be used in a recursive manner?

+1  A: 

I didn't think this was possible, but here is a way to do it. You recursively include the jsp itself. See the link for an explanation.

Mike Pone

I atlast completed the code using JSP tag files instead of JSP tag libs or plain JSTL. Thanks Mike, it was similar to the lines of what you said.


Here is an example of an recursive tag file that displays from a node all it's children recursivly (used to generate a YUI treeview):


<%@tag description="display the whole nodeTree" pageEncoding="UTF-8"%>
<%@attribute name="node" type="com.myapp.Node" required="true" %>
<%@taglib prefix="template" tagdir="/WEB-INF/tags" %>
<c:if test="${fn:length(node.childs) > 0}">
    <c:forEach var="child" items="${node.childs}">
        <template:nodeTree node="${child}"/>

This can be used in a regular JSP file like this:

<div id="treeDiv1">
        <c:forEach var="child" items="${actionBean.rootNode.childs}">
            <template:nodeTree node="${child}"/>