




Hi everyone,

I understand that this question is very specific to my situation and wouldn't appear to benefit the community much, but it might be interesting for some to see if we get some good answers.

Does anyone know of any projects that have lines of code approximately around 1 million?

I am putting something together for management and I am looking to compare our software, which is around one million lines of code, with a few others.

I am aware that using lines of code is very controversial for many purposes such as measuring productivity; however, what I am looking to do, is use this statistic as a small piece of larger demonstration on the ongoing maintenance for our product.

Wikipedia has a few samples (Source lines of code - Wikipedia), but they are much too large.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

Thank you!

+3  A: 

Just an idea. How about checking http://www.ohloh.net/

You could most likely find some projects like that using their API.

+2  A: 


I don't really understand what you are looking for? Just some project names that has about 1 million of lines of code?

I don't get either the interest of such a metric... The number of line of code is really subjective, IMHO. It depends on the way developers write their code, how formatting is handled... For example, wrapping a line at character 80 will produce more LoC than wrapping at column 150. In addition, comments (or the license information at the beginning of each file) can really increase the number of LoC!

For your information, Sonar can help you in your task (it uses JavaNCSS tool to measure these information). In the online demo, you can see this information for some open-source projects (just move your mouse on the "treemap"), but in here, you will have only projects with ~100K LoC.

LOC is Lines Of Code, which by definition does not include comments.
Thanks for the precision!