




I need to let users upload videos in GWT site, and after uploading I should allow them to preview it. I don't need any controls, just a play and stop button would be enough so that I can show them a preview?

+1  A: 

Uploading the video to your server is the easy part - that's what the FileUpload Widget is for. You just need to write some sort of end point on the server side - a servlet, PHP script, etc. that will receive the file and store it somewhere.

The tricky part is the preview - AFAIK, you need a media streaming server for that. The only free and good one I know is Red5 (site1, site2, site3 - don't know which one is the current one =_=).
An alternative would be to use an exisiting media streaming site that exposes an API for users to upload videos - like YouTube API. The docs show how to upload a file (directly from the user, or from your server) to the YouTube service - in return you'll get a link or HTML code to embed on your site.

Igor Klimer
Thank you Igor.