



I need to build a solution which will allow registered users of a Wordpress site upload videos to the server and have them moderated before being published on the site.

Failing that, I would like to let users upload their file, then the Admins would check the video is appropriate, upload it to youtube, and manually embed it into a post.

This has to look transparent - so I don't want to make the users into contributers.

Does anyone know of any plugins or home-made solutions that are available for this?

edit: the closest I have found is this but the unknown 3rd party hosting is a deal breaker.


Have you considered VideoPress?

It is not free, but it is an official plugin and it should support the functions you are looking for. I am not intimately familiar with it's features, so it might need some additional customization to cater to your needs, but it should be a good option.

Yuval A
As far as I can see that is an enhancement for the admin area, what I am really looking for is nothing more than an upload file function for normal registered users. Thank you for the answer though, I will look more into this plugin.
+1  A: 

Try using PodsCMS to extend the functionality of WordPress. This plugin will allow you to EASILY create a solution for users to upload videos in to a queue for admin approval. It's a pretty limitless framework, so you can do a slew of other things with it as well.

FWIW: A PodsCMS user created a package for a YouTube gallery. Check it out and good luck!

That looks great as well. I'll check it out for future reference!

I ended up finding this

Which allows you to create various forms, including a file upload one. It does the job nicely for what I need.


The easiest, simplest solution would be to give users the upload_files capability (see WP Role Editor).

Then users can simply log in, upload files using WordPress' built in uploader, and they'll appear in your media library for you to edit, include in posts or delete.
