I am testing out RIA services. I put together a RIA Services library and built a custom DomainService (i.e. not an Entity Framework Domain Service). I am accessing the library from a silverlight app and all is working as expected. I can call the RIA service functions and get the results. I have an issue with Pagination. I cannot find anywhere a description of using Pagination on a RIA service that uses custom domainServices. My RIA Service is accessing a specialied DAL for access to data (and is not compatible with the Entity Frameework). What I have found was an indication to pass the pagination paramters (i.e. page, page size) to a RIA Service function. So I have done just that - created a RIA service function that takes additional parameters for Page [index] and Page size. I am testing using in Sivlerlight using a DataGrid and a DataPager. The RIA service with the pagination paramters is called (and returns data) and the DataGrid is populated. The problem I'm having is when I go to another page. What is occuring is the RIA service is called twice. The first time with the proper params (i.e. correct page index) then again with a page index of zero). I.E. always resets to first page. I don't undestant why this is occuring; I believe I put togehter everything properly (hopfully). The folliwing is the XAML script:
< riaControls:DomainDataSource
<riaControls:Parameter ParameterName="UserLogonName" Value="admin" />
<riaControls:Parameter ParameterName="UserPassword" Value="admin" />
<riaControls:Parameter ParameterName="Page" Value="{Binding ElementName=dpScheduleTemplates, Path=PageIndex}" />
<riaControls:Parameter ParameterName="PageSize" Value="{Binding ElementName=dpScheduleTemplates, Path=PageSize}" />
ItemsSource="{Binding ElementName=ddsScheduleTemplates, Path=Data}"
Source="{Binding ElementName=ddsScheduleTemplates, Path=Data}"
I have modified the above script to call the general loading function (GetPagedScheduleTemplates - returns all records) and adjusted the QueryParameters list for the function. The DataGrid loads properly - and pagination works properly.
This confused me - it sort of looked like the DataPager required all data to be loaded in order for it to work properly - but I did a test where I loaded all data on paged request operation; (i.e. pagination properties setup and calling pagination version of RIA service function) but DataGrid still resets.
Note: I had read that the DataPager requires the return list to be ordered - so I did so - but did not affect operation - paging always reset to page 1 - the following is the return list from the RIA service function newList.ToArray().AsQueryable().OrderBy(x=>x.ScheduleTemplateID)
So; my question is - has anyone seen this behavior - or am I making a horrendous mistake - if so what am I doing wrong?