



EDIT: Please close this question.

I asked and got an answer for it on BioStar here.

In BioPerl, a sequence object can have any number of features, and each of these can have subfeatures nested within them. For example, a feature may be a complete coding sequence of a gene, and its subfeatures might be individual exons that are concatenated to form the full coding sequence.

However, when I use BioPerl to write a sequence object to a file in genbank or embl format, only the top-level features are written to the file, not the sub-features nested within the top-level features. How can I store my subfeatures in sequence files? Should I just convert all my subfeatures into top-level features, and then reconstruct the tree structure next time I read in the sequence? Is there another file format that supports subfeatures? Maybe Data::Dump?