Does anyone know of any good solutions (Eclipse plugins presumably) for using Eclipse to develop in ActionScript 3?
There are a number of solutions for developing with ActionScript 2, leveraging MTASC, Swfmill and other open source tools, but I'm specifically looking for AS3 support.
It's simple enough to use Eclipse as an editor, and a place from which to invoke Ant scripts to compile with the Adobe command line tools, but I'm looking for syntax colouring, autocompletion, refactoring, debugging - all the modern IDE luxuries.
Other tools I've used:
- FlashDevelop: free and good, but Windows only and doesn't have refactoring. Nevertheless a nice piece of work.
- IntelliJ Idea: very nice ActionScript 3 support, though not quite as slick as their Java support. Unfortunately AS3 is not supported in the free/community edition of Idea and I'm not ready to purchase the full version as yet.