



I'm trying to get the MIME type of an <input type="file" /> element using Perl, but without actually examining the contents of the file itself, In other words, just using the HTTP headers.

I have only been able to get the "multipart/form-type" Content-Type value, but my understanding is that each element will get its own MIME Type?

How can I see the sub-MIME types using Perl?

+4  A: 

I assume that you are using to do this. If you are using the OO interface to CGI you can do something like this.

use strict;
use warnings;
use CGI;

my $cgi = CGI->new;

my $filename = $cgi->param('upload_param_name');
my $mimetype = $cgi->uploadInfo($filename)->{'Content-Type'};

If you are using the procedural interface, the equivalent would be:

use strict;
use warnings;
use CGI qw/param uploadInfo/;

my $filename = param('upload_param_name');
my $mimetype = uploadInfo($filename)->{'Content-Type'};
Nic Gibson