




I have a nested ordered list.

    <li>second nested first element</li>
    <li>second nested secondelement</li>
    <li>second nested thirdelement</li>

Currently the nested elements start back from 1 again, e.g.

  1. first
  2. second
    1. second nested first element
    2. second nested second element
    3. second nested third element
  3. third
  4. fourth

What I want is for the second element to be numbered like this:

  1. first
  2. second

    2.1. second nested first element

    2.2. second nested second element

    2.3. second nested third element

  3. third
  4. fourth

Is there a way of doing this?



This is not possible in pure HTML/CSS. See BalusC's answer for a great thinking-out-of-the-box solution. A list of numbering types can be found at w3schools, here.

The closest option I was able to find is use of the value attribute, from w3c, but the following markup

    <li value="30">
        makes this list item number 30.
    <li value="40">
        makes this list item number 40.
        makes this list item number 41.
    <li value="2.1">
        makes this list item number ...
    <li value="2-1">
        makes this list item number ...

produces a list numbered 30, 40, 41, 2 and 2.

As John already pointed out, your best bet is going to be scripting, in this situation.

Lord Torgamus

With a little tweaking, you should be able to adapt the technique used here (in the second example) for creating sequential lists.

Robert Harvey
+10  A: 

Here's an example which works in all browsers. The pure CSS approach works in the real browsers (i.e. everything but IE6/7) and the jQuery code is to cover the unsupported. It's in flavor of an SSCCE, you can just copy'n'paste'n'run it without changes.

<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
        <title>SO question 2729927</title>
        <script src=""&gt;&lt;/script&gt;
            $(document).ready(function() {
                if ($('ol:first').css('list-style-type') != 'none') { /* For IE6/7 only. */
                    $('ol ol').each(function(i, ol) {
                        ol = $(ol);
                        var level1 = ol.closest('li').index() + 1;
                        ol.children('li').each(function(i, li) {
                            li = $(li);
                            var level2 = level1 + '.' + (li.index() + 1);
                            li.prepend('<span>' + level2 + '</span>');
            html>/**/body ol { /* Won't be interpreted by IE6/7. */
                list-style-type: none;
                counter-reset: level1;
            ol li:before {
                content: counter(level1) ". ";
                counter-increment: level1;
            ol li ol {
                list-style-type: none;
                counter-reset: level2;
            ol li ol li:before {
                content: counter(level1) "." counter(level2) " ";
                counter-increment: level2;
            ol li span { /* For IE6/7. */
                margin: 0 5px 0 -25px;
                    <li>second nested first element</li>
                    <li>second nested second element</li>
                    <li>second nested third element</li>
Very nice solution!
Rick de Graaf
Not even in IE8?
Robert Harvey
Works in IE8, not in IE6/7. I updated the answer.
can this solution be altered so that the styles are applied using JQuery? If so would this then work in all browsers?
@John: OK, I added it. It however won't work on IE6/7 with JS disabled :)
How do I make it work if I have more than 2 levels? Say, with 5 levels?
Ah, and it also doesn't work well with paragraphs. Say if you have multiple paragraphs in one list element. No <p> goodness, only <br /> works.