I have a stream from an icecast server downloading, and I can grab the information in the headers by doing the following:
URLConnection cn = new URL(mediaUrl).openConnection();
int pos=1;
String x;
String y;
while (cn.getHeaderField(pos) != null) { x=cn.getHeaderFieldKey(pos); y = cn.getHeaderField(x); Log.e(":::::",""+x+" : "+y); pos++; }
When I do this all of the headers I receive are shown as:
content-type : audio/mpeg icy-br : 64 ice-audio-info : ice-samplerate=22050;ice-bitrate=64;ice-channels=2 icy-br : 64 icy-description : RadioStation icy-genre : Classical, New Age, Ambient icy-name : RadioStation Example icy-private : 0 icy-pub : 1 icy-url : http://exampleradio.com server : Icecast 2.3.2 cache-control : no-cache
However if I open my stream in mplayer I get:
ICY Info: StreamTitle='artist - album - trackname'
and with each time the song is changed, the new track information is sent appearing the same way in mplayer.
In android when I attempt to read the icy-info all I get returned is null. Also how would I go about retrieving the new information from the headers while I am buffering from the stream? Because even if I try to read the header of something I already know exists whilst buffering such as:
Log.e(getClass().getName()," "+cn.getHeaderField("icy-br"));
All I get returned is null.
I hope this makes sense, I can post more code on request.