



I have done some research on the ExtJS forum regarding private methods and fields inside a extended class, and I couldn't find any real answer to this.

And when I say an extended class I mean something like this:

Ext.ux.MyExtendedClass = Ext.extend(Ext.util.Observable, {
    publicVar1: 'Variable visible from outside this class',
    constructor: function(config) { this.addEvents("fired"); this.listeners = config.listeners; }, // to show that I need to use the base class
    publicMethod1: function() { return 'Method which can be called form everywhere'; },
    publicMethod2: function() { return this.publicMethod1() + ' and ' + this.publicVar1; } // to show how to access the members from inside another member

The problem here is that everything is public. So, how do I add a new variable o method within the scope of MyExtendedClass that cannot be accessed from outside but can be access by the public methods?

+1  A: 

I use something like the following.

  var toolbarClass = Ext.extend( Ext.Container,
     * constructor (public)
    constructor: function( config )
      config = config || {};

      // PRIVATE MEMBER DATA ========================================
      var accountId = null, 'ls-accountDiv-');

      // PUBLIC METHODS ========================================
      this.somePublicMethod = function(){
         console.log( accountId );

Upper Stage
+1 It works! But I just realized another solution that seems better. Because with your solution, the creation time of every instance will be increased, and I believe mine does not. I'm going to post it now, so people can say if I'm wrong or not.
I welcome this conversation. Arguably too few developers are concerned about data hiding when developing in JavaScript.
Upper Stage
+4  A: 

The following example shows also the Upper Stage way to define privileged private & public members. But it also shows how to define private static members (also called class members), and public non-privileged members. Using these last 2 instead of the privileged ones, we will reduce initialization time as they are not parsed every time you create a new object of your class:

Ext.ux.MyExtendedClass = Ext.extend(Ext.util.Observable, 
  (function() {
    // private static fields (can access only to scope: minimum privileges).
    var privStaticVar = 0;
    // private static functions (can access only to scope and arguments, but we can send them the scope by param)
    var privateFunc1 = function(me) { return + ' -> ClassVar:' + privStaticVar; };
    var privateFunc2 = function(me) { return me.publicMethod1() + ' InstanceVar:' + me.getPrivateVar(); };
    return {
        constructor: function(config) {
            // privileged private/public members (can access to anything privated and public)
            var privateVar = config.v || 0;
            var privInstFunc = function() { privateVar += 1; }
            this.incVariables = function(){ privInstFunc(); privStaticVar += 1; };
            this.getPrivateVar = function(){ return privateVar; };
        // public members (can access to public and private static, but not to the members defined in the constructor)
        publicMethod1: function() { this.incVariables(); return privateFunc1(this) },
        publicMethod2: function() { return privateFunc2(this); }

You can see my test case (and easily modify it, and even save a new revision if you find a buggy behavior or something) in jsbin/MyExtendedClass

this is commonly called the Module Pattern, you can find it written about on the YUI blog
I agree; sorry for the earlier comment.
Upper Stage
@Proton the module pattern doesn't have to produce singletons. its more to describe the action of wrapping variable declarations in a self-executing function, and returning and object that has access to those variables.
@seanmonstar [yuiblog/module-pattern]( says: `Douglas Crockford has been teaching a useful singleton pattern for achieving this discipline, and I thought his pattern might be of interest to those of you building on top of YUI. Douglas calls this the “module pattern.”` But you're right! Cause I use it in this class, and the class as a whole is not a Singleton. Although it shares the staticness of a Singleton.

Excelent, i was wondering how to have my clousured vars work with extend that don't like the object created after the executed function, obviously it isn't a constructor so is discarted, this solution show how flexible js is.

Andres Serron