
Can I access private members from outside the class without using friends?

Disclaimer Yes, I am fully aware that what I am asking about is totally stupid and that anyone who would wish to try such a thing in production code should be fired and/or shot. I'm mainly looking to see if can be done. Now that that's out of the way, is there any way to access private class members in C++ from outside the class? For...

Private Member Access Java

Is the private member access at the class level or at the object level. If it is at the object level, then the following code should not compile class PrivateMember { private int i; public PrivateMember() { i = 2; } public void printI() { System.out.println("i is: "+i); } public void messWithI(PrivateMe...

Accessing private members

Is it ethical to access a class' private members by casting it to a void pointer and then to a struct? I don't think I have permissions to modify the class that contains the data members that I need to access. I don't want to take a risk accessing the data members in an indirect way if it is not ethical. EDIT: Had to edit this furth...

Best Practice on local use of Private Field x Property

Hi, When inside a class you have a private fiels and expose that field on a public property, which one should I use from inside the class? Below you is an example on what I am trying to find out. Should manioulate the Private Field _Counter or the Property Counter? Public Class Test Private _Counter As Integer Public Property Counte...

How to access a data class's private member variable from another derived class whose parent class is a friend class of the data class?

I have three classes: A data holder class CDataHolder, which uses a Pimpl pattern class CDataHolder { public: // ... private: friend class CBase; struct PImpl; PImpl* iPimpl; }; A base class CBase, which need to access the iPImpl member in CDataHolder, so it is a friend class of CDataHolder class CBase: { protected: CDataHolde...

difference of variable in placement of private keyword in a MFC class

Using the following code snippet as an illustration to my question: // #includes and other macros class MyClass : public CFormView { private: DECLARE_DYNCREATE(MyClass) bool privateContent; ... public: bool publicContent; ... }; class MusicPlayer { public: AppClass *theApp; // which has a pointer...

What is the benefit of private name mangling in Python?

Python provides private name mangling for class methods and attributes. Are there any concrete cases where this feature is required, or is it just a carry over from Java and C++? Please describe a use case where Python name mangling should be used, if any? Also, I'm not interested in the case where the author is merely trying to preve...

How to mutate a private field from the abstract class in Java?

There's an abstract class: public abstract class AbstractAny { private long period; public void doSomething() { // blah blah blah period = someHardcodedValue; // blah blah blah } } I don't want to change the source of the abstract class but need to add some flexibility on how the field period is being set. Is it pos...

Why is it allowed to access Java private fields?

Consider this example : import java.lang.reflect.Field; public class Test { public static void main(String[] args) { C c = new C(); try { Field f = C.class.getDeclaredField("a"); f.setAccessible(true); Integer i = (Integer)f.get(c); System.out.println(i); } catch (Exception e) {} } } cl...

Javascript: Debuging code created by eval() and new Function()

Hi all, im trying for put a private var into an already existent function, example: var AObject={ get:function(s){ return s.toLowerCase()+a; } } function temp(){ var a="A"; var o={}; eval("o.get="+AObject.get.toString()); reurn o; } var bObject=temp(); BObject.get("B"); // "bA" BObject.get(); /* error...

Alternatives to backdooring java access when unit testing.

I'm trying to unit test a class with a number of private methods. Each of the private methods can be rather extensive. I can either make the method package scoped (which causes a warning), or I can use the code below to test it: Method method = instance.getClass().getDeclaredMethod("methodName"); method.setAccessible(true); Object obje...

Accessing parent variables in child method

Hi, I currently have two classes, one called Dog, one called Poodle. Now how can I use a variable defined in Dog from the Poodle class. My code is as follows: class dog { protected static $name = ''; function __construct($name) { $this->name = $name } } class Poodle extends dog { functi...

Deleting object with private destructor

How is that possible that it is allowed to delete object with private destructor in the following code? I've reduced real program to the following sample, but it still compiles and works. class SomeClass; int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { SomeClass* boo = 0; // in real program it will be valid pointer delete boo; // how it can wor...

Easy way to access private fields/methods/properties using f# interactive

F# interactive is a powerful development tool as it allows to run either WinForm or Wpf window and invoke arbitrary code in there. This gives a way for a 'try-before-you code' approach. Very often I wish to 'break the boundaries' explicitly and invoke private/protected methods access/change private fields and properties Is there a...

Is it ok for private instances to be shared among objects?

I am only allowed to use private members in the programming course I'm taking, and I was wondering if something like this is ok. public class View { private Model object_; public View(Model object) { object_ = object; //blah blah blah } //blah blah blah } public class Controller { private Model object_; ...

Should I document my private methods?

Private methods documentation can only be seen by who has access to the source code. Is it worth the effort spent on it? ...

Proper way to declare and set a private final member variable from the constructor in Java?

There are different ways to set a member variable from the constructor. I am actually debating how to properly set a final member variable, specifically a map which is loaded with entries by a helper class. public class Base { private final Map<String, Command> availableCommands; public Base() { availableCommands = Helpe...

Visual Studio: Warn when private or internal members have no references

Is there a way to get visual studio to warn that a private member does not have any references within the class? How about internal members that have no references within the package / module? I have been re-factoring my code and I don't want to keep [right-click] --> Find All References for each member in my code base to ensure I have ...

How to inherit a private member in JavaScript?

Hello, is there a way in JavaScript to inherit private members from a base class to a sub class? I want to achieve something like this: function BaseClass() { var privateProperty = "private"; this.publicProperty = "public"; } SubClass.prototype = new BaseClass(); SubClass.prototype.constructor = SubClass; function SubClass() { ...

How-to programatically access private members trough privileged Aspect in AspectJ?

Hi, I was wondering if it was possible in AspectJ to do the following. I’m adding a method .inspect() to every object of class RubyObject. That method is supposed to spit a string like #(CompleteClassName, var1=val1, var2=val2, …) So far so good, this.getClass().getFields() gets me all the visible fields I want and this.getClass().getD...