
What does the setting WorkArounds2=8192 do on an ODBC connection?

My company has a 3rd party application that runs on a Progress database. I've been building an application on top of their database using an ODBC connection. One of the "quirks" of Progress is that it doesn't honor SQL column widths, so it will allow 100 characters in a column defined as a varchar(50). When reading this data via ODBC,...

PHP and Enums

I know that PHP doesn't have native Enumerations. But I have become accustomed to them from the Java world. I would love to use enums as a way to give predefined values which IDEs' auto completion features could understand. Constants do the trick, but there's the namespace collision problem and (or actually because) they're global. Arra...

Anyone know a better workaround for getting the computed height of an element set to display: none?

I need to calculate a top position for an element of variable height, so I was thinking of doing the following: Move the element 1000px off the top of the viewport Set the element to display: block Get the height of the element Set the element to display: none Continue on as if everything is normal and good Does anyone see any pitfal...

NUnit test DateTime without .Net Timespan or DateTime function

What is the c# optimised version of the following, without using .Net's Timespan or DateTime. How would I NUnit test it? TimeSpan ts = Date1 - Date2; int numberOfDays = ts.Days; ...

Vista's IIS Instance doesn't have SMTP (Solutions?)

Presently, I am working on a project using classic ASP. My development machine is Vista Enterprise. Although Vista does allow you to have multiple Web Sites (not without a workaround in XP), it has removed the SMTP service from IIS. Is there a standard workaround for this issue? As more web developers at my company receive new machine...

AXIS 1.4 adds elements to custom fault type

Maybe someone found a workaround for the following problem: It seems as if AXIS 1.4 adds an <exceptionName> and a <hostname> element to each custom fault element. In the WSDL the fault is defined to only consist of a custom fault message systemMessage. This is the answer returned from my service. Never mind about the error, it could be...

IE warning workaround? Page w/Secure and insecure items

I have a page that is viewed secured with 'https' in the URL, that also contains youtube urls to play video from youtube. Since the youtube URL contains 'http' with no 's' IE is giving an a warning dialog of "This page contains both secure and non-secure Items." Is there a way I can workaround this in Javascript? Maybe after the page...

JavaScript: Change browser window status message

It was once possible to change the message a browser shows in the status bar at the bottom of the window. This functionality has been disabled in newer browser versions due to abuse. <script type="text/javascript"> window.status = 'hello world'; </script> Is there still any way to achieve this (consider jQuery available)? I think I st...

Closing an IE 'popup' window with script.

Is it at all possible to disable the "The webpage you are viewing is trying to close the window. Do you want to close it?"? I understand that this is the product of years of virus, and malicious script activity, but in legit app code, (ASP.NET), is there any way to like "register" your app as an APP, or flags you can pass to an IE Pop...

Problem with prebuild event in Visual Studio replacing $(SolutionDir) with *Undefined*

I believe the problem is documented here and looks like it might be a bug in visual studio, but I'm wondering if anyone knows of a workaround. Basically I have the following 2 lines (among other things) one right after the other in the prebuild event. "C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v3.5\MSBuild.exe" /p:configuration=Release;platf...

Can I disable Firefox' image scaling with CSS on a per image basis?

There are two occasions on my web page where I don't want Firefox to automatically scale the images when zooming in and out. Can I circumvent this feature on these images specifically, and have the rest of the images zoom as normal in Firefox (if that's what the users has set in his/her preferences)? ...

Is there a way besides Mono to run Microsoft .NET on a Mac or Linux?

I'm currently deprived from any Windows machine, and Mono doesn't run my application. Is there another way that might get around any reason why Mono wouldn't work? (I don't have the error message at the moment.) ...

Is there a workaround to the Flash bug where selection doesn't stop?

Is there any workaround to the issue with Adobe Flash where a Flash Movie does not receive a mouse up event if the mouse is dragged outside of the movie? EDIT: This issue seems to affect Firefox only See: Basically the issue is, I have a Flash movie which contains a text box, and if the user c...

Workarounds for JavaScript parseInt octal bug

Try executing the following in JavaScript: parseInt('01'); //equals 1 parseInt('02'); //equals 2 parseInt('03'); //equals 3 parseInt('04'); //equals 4 parseInt('05'); //equals 5 parseInt('06'); //equals 6 parseInt('07'); //equals 7 parseInt('08'); //equals 0 !! parseInt('09'); //equals 0 !! JavaScript, I just learned (the hard way), t...

window.location.hash issue in IE7

We have a javascript function that should "move" a page to a certain position using anchors. This function just does window.location.href = "#" + hashName. This works in FF, but not in IE. I tested this code using IE7 under Windows XP. I have tried using window.location.href, window.location.hash, window.location.replace and all these w...

Gmail contacts API limitations workaround

Given that the Google Contacts java API has not exposed all the fields;q=exposed#f704527adc6c6597 How would you workaround the problem of accessing the 'Mr' or 'Company' fields on the Google Contacts api? ...

How would you handle making an array or list that would have more entries than the standard implementation would allow you to access

I am trying to create an array or list that could handle in theory, given adequate hardware and such, as many as 100^100 BigInteger entries. The problem with using an array or standard list is that they can only hold Integer.MAX_VALUE number of entries. How would you work around this limitations? A whole new class/interface? A wrapper...

Launching a browser window from Java WebStart (JNLP) in Java 6u13+

There is a bug in Java 6u13 and 6u14. Simply put, the following code is supposed to open a browser window, but because of a bug in the framework, it stopped working in Java 1.6 update 13. Nothing opens anymore. There was a similar bug for Java applets (that was fixed in update 14), but thi...

Google Chrome textareas wrapping and adding line breaks - Help!

I've got a problem with textarea's in Google Chrome. I'm using classic ASP, but this is unimportant as Chrome is actually posting the data incorrectly. The problem is with a text area. As soon as a string of text is too long to fit one line of the text area, it wraps to the next line (as it should). My problem is that when submitted,...

How can I construct images using HTML markup?

I need to display reports and things in HTML using Microsoft's HTMLDocument object. Unfortunately, you can give the document HTML markup, but you cannot give it images. It is only able to display images you get from a URL, e.g.: http:// file:// res:// As a workaround I figured I could construct an image using HTML markup, pixel-by-c...