
Anyone know a better workaround for getting the computed height of an element set to display: none?

I need to calculate a top position for an element of variable height, so I was thinking of doing the following: Move the element 1000px off the top of the viewport Set the element to display: block Get the height of the element Set the element to display: none Continue on as if everything is normal and good Does anyone see any pitfal...

python dealing with Nonetype before cast\addition

I'm pulling a row from a db and adding up the fields (approx 15) to get a total. But some field values will be Null, which causes an error in the addition of the fields (TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'NoneType' and 'int') Right now, with each field, I get the field value and set it to 'x#', then check if it is None and ...

Question regaridng J2ME Streaming

Hi, I have read you tried to make a local RTSP server to feed to the player but that didnt work. Do you have any source or could you help me on my way ? Also any source regarding the two player solution ? Thanks in advance ! ...

The Matlab equivalent of Python's "None"

Is there a keyword in Matlab that is roughly equivalent to None in python? I am trying to use it to mark an optional argument to a function. I am translating the following Python code def f(x,y=None): if y == None: return g(x) else: return h(x,y) into Matlab function rtrn = f(x,y) if y == []: rtrn = g(x);...

problem with form elements when div is faded in from being display : none (IE problem)

hi! on a webpage I've been working on I have a problem which I seem unable to solve. I have a div with display set to none which I fade in. it contains form-element which are not being shown the way they are supposed to when wieved in IE. you can look at it at Thanks for you help Martin ...

Null pattern in Python underused?

Every now and then I come across code like this: foo = Foo() ... if is not None and == 42: shiny_happy(...) Which seems, well, unpythonic, to me. In Objective-C, you can send messages to nil and get nil as the answer. I've always thought that's quite handy. Of course it is possible to implement a Null pattern i...

How do I remove an active outline from jquery accordion ?

I am using Jquery Accordion. The active link has an outline. I have tried using css: #accordion a:focus { outline: none; } #accordion a:active {outline: none; font-weight:bold;} and also #accordion a:-moz-any-link:focus { outline: none; } None of these seem to work. Can anyone advise a setting or another option to remove the dot...

None in boost.python

I am trying to translate the following code d = {} d[0] = None into C++ with boost.python boost::python::dict d; d[0] = ?None How can I get a None object in boost.python? ANSWER: boost::python::dict d; d[0] = boost::python::object(); ...

List minimum in Python with None?

Is there any clever in-built function or something that will return 1 for the min() example below? (I bet there is a solid reason for it not to return anything, but in my particular case I need it to disregard None values really bad!) >>> max([None, 1,2]) 2 >>> min([None, 1,2]) >>> ...

jquery count div that has a display:none attribute

I want to count the div that has a class name "items" and has an attribute "style=display:none". <div id="skills"> <div class="items" style="display:none">1</div> <div class="items">2</div> <div class="items">3</div> <div class="items" style="display:none">4</div> <div class="items" style="display:none">5</div></div> the output should...

Authentification-None for one folder(page) when the project is under FormsAuthentifications

I have a WebApplication on 2.0 with namespace Admin. I have Form Authentification mode for the project. <authentication mode="Forms"> <forms name="ASP_XML_Form" loginUrl="Login.aspx" protection="All" timeout="30" path="/" requireSSL="false" slidingExpiration="true" cookieless="AutoDetect...

Python check for blank CSV value not working

I have a CSV file and I am running a script against it to insert into a database. If the value is blank then I don't want to insert it. Here is what I have if attrs[attr] != '' and attrs[attr] != None:'Attriute ID: %s' % attr)'Attriute Value: %s' % attrs[attr]) sql = insert_attr_q...

ASP.Net incorrect background image style rendered

Using ASP.Net, I have a server control for which i would like to add the inline css style "background-image:none". However, when i call: writer.AddStyleAttribute("background-image", "none"); The following inline style is generated (and tries to resolve the url "none"): background-image:url(none) Is there a special syntax I can use...

display:none doesn't work on outlook 2007

I want to send some msg from our manage system to customers. but i wanna some tags hidden to them. i set css : .hidden{display:none;} , but this does not work. ...

StringProperty, None vs. Empty String

class Person(db.Model): first_name=db.StringProperty() middle_name=db.StringProperty() last_name=db.StringProperty() p1=Person(first_name='john', last_name='smith') p2=Person(first_name='john',middle_name=None,last_name='smith') p3=Person(first_name='john',middle_name='', last_name='smith') p1 and p2 is the same...

django: Nonelogout in admin urls

After upgrading to Django 1.2 I have strange urls in my administration panel. They look like this: or What might have gone wrong during the migration and what I need to fix? I have found in django source, that it is caused by root_path, but I have n...

jQuery Detect CSS Property Change

Hi Guys, I am trying to use jQuery to establish whether a CSS property has changed inside a class. I dont want to use .HasClass() - I want to find a property within the CSS - namely display:block; I thought maybe this might work ? if (jQuery('css-class').css('display') == 'block') But not sure if it does. Does anyone have any sugg...

Lightbox display:none css problem

Im trying to rotate 3 panels of lightbox icons, problem is Lightbox dosen't seem to like the display:none divs. Is there any way i can make lightbox aware of the existance of the hidden div's. Check out the problem at If anyone can spare a few minuits on this i would be muchly happy!. Mike1038 ...

Function returning a tuple or None: how to call that function nicely?

Hello, Suppose the following: def MyFunc(a): if a < 0: return None return (a+1, a+2, a+3) v1, v2, v3 = MyFunc() # Bad ofcourse, if the result was None What is the best way to define a function that returns a tuple and yet can be nicely called. Currently, I could do this: r = MyFunc() if r: v1, v2, v3 = r else: # bad!! ...

Python + JSON, what happened to None?

Dumping and loading a dict with None as key, results in a dict with "null" as the key. Values are un-affected, but things get even worse if a string-key "null" actually exists. What am I doing wrong here? Why cant i serialize/deserialize a dict with "None" keys? Example >>> json.loads(json.dumps({'123':None, None:'What happened to No...