First and foremost. I'm totally new to "programming" in Excel.
I'm trying to make a price calculator, that calculates the price when I use my printer. The sheet contains list, so I don't need to type in numbers but can choose between some options.
I would like options within the list to have a value.
My sheet contains theese information.
Description, Amount, Single/duplex, Format, Printing price, Paper price, Total price.
Description: Could be "Printing an invitation for my brother"
Amount: Amount printet
Single/Duplex: A list containing "Single" and "Duplex"
Format: A list containing "A4", "SRA3" and "SRA3 HiGloss"
Printing price: The total price
This is how it's calculated:
'Format' + ('Amount' x 'Single/duplex') = 'Printing price'
I would like to assign theese values to the list options:
Per page (singlex): 0,6
Per page (duplex): 1,2
A4. paper: 0,2
SRA3 High Gloss: 1,25
SRA3: 1
Description Amount Single/Duplex Format Printing price
Invitations 30 Duplex SRA3 HiGloss 61,25
The calculation for this example looks like this:
'Format' + ('Amount' x 'Single/duplex') = 'Printing price'
Does anyone know about this???