



I'm trying to take an existing bunch of code that was previously on a full .aspx page, and do the same stuff in a .ashx handler.

The code created an HtmlTable object, added rows and cells to those rows, then added that html table the .aspx's controls collection, then added it to a div that was already on the page.

I am trying to keep the code in tact but instead of putting the control into a div, actually generate the html and I'll return that in a big chunk of text that can be called via AJAX client-side.

HtmlTable errors out when I try to use the InnerHtml property (says it isn't supported), and when I try RenderControl, after making first a TextWriter and next an HtmlTextWriter object, I get the error that Page cannot be null.

Has anyone done this before? Any suggestions?


Another option is to host the ASP.NET HTTP pipeline in your process, render the page to a stream and read the HTML you need to send from the HttpListenerContext.Response.OutputStream stream after the page has been processed.

This article has details:

+2  A: 

*Most recent is above.

OK, even after Matt's update there is a workaround ;)

Firstly, we have to use a page with form inside. Otherwise we won't be able to add a ScriptManager control. One more thing: the ScriptManager control should be the first control in the form. Further is easier:

Page page = new Page();
Button button = new System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button
    ID = "btnSumbit",
    Text = "TextButton",
    UseSubmitBehavior = true
HtmlForm form = new HtmlForm
ScriptManager scriptManager = new ScriptManager
    ID = "ajaxScriptManager"

using (StringWriter output = new StringWriter())
    HttpContext.Current.Server.Execute(page, output, false);

    context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain";

This works. The output is quite large so I decided not to include it into my answer :)

Actually, there is a workaround. Yep, we may render a control in handler.

Firstly, we need a formless page. Because without it we get:

Control 'btnSumbit' of type 'Button' must be placed inside a form tag with runat=server.

public class FormlessPage : Page
    public override void VerifyRenderingInServerForm(Control control)

Secondly, nobody can prevent us from creating an instance of our FormlessPage page. And now let's add a control there (I decided to add a Button control as an example, but you could use any).

FormlessPage page = new FormlessPage();
Button button = new System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button
    ID = "btnSumbit",
    Text = "TextButton",
    UseSubmitBehavior = true

Thirdly, let's capture the output. For this we use HttpServerUtility.Execute method:

Executes the handler for the specified virtual path in the context of the current request. A System.IO.TextWriter captures output from the executed handler and a Boolean parameter specifies whether to clear the System.Web.HttpRequest.QueryString and System.Web.HttpRequest.Form collections.

Here is the code:

using (StringWriter output = new StringWriter())
    HttpContext.Current.Server.Execute(page, output, false);

    context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain";

The result will be:

<input type="submit" name="btnSumbit" value="TextButton" id="btnSumbit" />

In addition I can recommend ScottGu's article Tip/Trick: Cool UI Templating Technique to use with ASP.NET AJAX for non-UpdatePanel scenarios. Hope, you could find a lot of useful there.

This works great for 90% of what I need, so thank you so much for that. However, I have 1 snag left. There are Telerik controls that need to be rendered in here. I can add the control, but they need a scriptmanager or it blows up on rendering. I've tried adding one as a control into the page, but then it blows up with an error of object not set to an instance.
Matt Dawdy