
Exception safety/handling with .Net HtmlTextWriter?

I am using a .Net HtmlTextWriter to generate HTML. try { htw.RenderBeginTag( HtmlTextWriterTag.Span ); htw.Write(myObject.GenerateHtml()); htw.RenderEndTag( ); } catch (Exception e) { GenerateHtmlErrorMessage(htw); } In this example, if an error exception is fired during myObject.GenerateHtml(), I will generate a nice er...

Fluent interface for rendering HTML

Rendering HTML with the HtmlTextWriter isn't incredibly intuitive in my opinion, but if you're implementing web controls in web forms it's what you have to work with. I thought that it might be possible to create a fluent interface for this that reads a bit more like the HTML it outputs. I would like to know what people think of the synt...

Using HtmlTextWriter to Render Server Controls?

I'm writing the RenderContents() method of my ASP.NET server control. The method uses an HtmlTextWriter object to render the output content. For the control I'm writing, using the HtmlTextWriter's methods seems like it will require a lot of lines of code to open and close every tag and add every attribute to the stream. In the end I feel...

Are there any benefits to using HtmlTextWriter if you are not going to benefit from adaptive rendering?

Outside of benefiting from Adaptive Rendering for alternate devices, does it ever make sense to write all of this code: writer.WriteBeginTag("table"); writer.WriteBeginTag("tr"); writer.WriteBeginTag("td"); writer.Write(HtmlTextWriter.TagRightChar); writer.WriteEncodedText(someTextVariable); writer.WriteEndTag("td"); writer.WriteEndTag(...

Rendering Server side controls as string over using HtmlTextWriter

What I have? I am developing a Web Part where Client Callbacks are used. Each callback updates the page with huge volume of HTML content. What am I doing? I am creating a Table control which contains several other controls (around 500KB of static text and light image tags will be in it). I render the table using the below method: pub...

ASP.NET - Rendering Gridview to HtmlTextWriter - XLS - Column Format

I'm using the following code to render a gridview to an XLS file on an ASPX page: Private Sub ExportGridviewToExcel() Dim attachment As String = "attachment; filename=ItemSizeExport.xls" Response.ClearContent() Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", attachment) Response.ContentType = "application/ms-excel" Dim sw ...

asp:button Created Programmatically: EventHandler does not fire

I am writing a SharePoint web part which will have a simple ASP.NET form. I am using HtmlTextWriter to render the controls. The problem I have is that my button does not seem to be triggering the EventHandler I have assigned it. I initially declared the button in the CreateChildControls method, and wired the event handler: { ...

C# and writing HTML - best way?

Hi, I would need to build a HTML document from plain text and display it in webBrowser. I was thinking of better way - I can see there is HTMLTextWriter in System.Web.UI but I cannot reference this namespace, could anyone advice? Thanks ...

C# - object-oriented way of writing HTML as a string?

Hi, I'm trying to programmatically send an email of all of the dll files and their versions in a directory, recursively. I'd like to send the email as HTML output, using a table. Is there a good object-oriented way of doing this? I'd hate to write all of the tags by hand. Something like: private string getHTMLString() { Directo...

Which is more efficient for rendering a server control in ASP.NET

I am outputting the entire HTML for my server control as follows: public override void Render(HtmlTextWriter output) { output.Write(myStringBuilder.ToString()); } myStringBuilder is a StringBuilder object that is manually built in a separate private method. Is this an efficient way to do it? Or is it better to pass the HtmlTextWrit...

Broken htmlText in Actionscript 3.0 - funky display from incremented display using string.substring

This is an issue with textField.htmlText in actionScript 3.0 and the class I'm making for it. In an attempt not to post my whole class, I've managed to boil down the problem to what seems like a silly and almost impossible-to-overcome issue. It seems that TextFields (specifically, ones created with ActionScript) have an unbearably hard ...

Alternatives to HtmlTextWriter in a System.Web.UI.Control?

Hi, Can you use FluentHTML or other alternatives in an web application user control? Can you put a markup file in a System.Web.UI.Control like the System.Web.UI.UserControl but without the burden of the Page object? I would like to reduce the number of lines of the following code: writer.Write(SacrificalMarkupPage.GenerateControlMark...

Ensuring unique ID attribute for elements within ScriptControl

I'm creating a control based on ScriptControl, and I'm overriding the Render method like this: protected override void Render(HtmlTextWriter writer) { RenderBeginTag(writer); writer.RenderBeginTag(HtmlTextWriterTag.Div); writer.Write("This is a test."); writer.RenderEndTag(); RenderEndTag(writer); } My question i...

Use ASP.Net server control code generation from .ashx

I'm trying to take an existing bunch of code that was previously on a full .aspx page, and do the same stuff in a .ashx handler. The code created an HtmlTable object, added rows and cells to those rows, then added that html table the .aspx's controls collection, then added it to a div that was already on the page. I am trying to keep t...

getting HtmlTextWriter of a control

is it possible to get HtmlTextWriter of a control? if no, then how can i call the RenderEndTag of a control in code behind? i am facing a problem in my application. i extended the listbox user control and override its RenderEndTag event. if i used the new listbox (Mylistbox) normally inside a WebPage, everything works fine. but wh...

Is it possible to add an attribute to HtmlTextWriter WriteBreak

Hi, Is it possible to add a class to a br tag when using the HtmlTextWriter.WriteBreak method? writer.AddAttribute(HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Class, "className"); writer.WriteBreak(); I need an xHtml compliant html output and therefore the WriteBreak is perfect as it writes <br /> I want to add a class to the br so that I have <br ...

Converting contents of HtmlTextWriter to a string

I have a third party tool that creates an img tag through code using HtmlTextWriter's RenderBeginTag, RenderEndTag & AddAttribute methods. I want to get the resulting HTML into a string. I tried the reflection method mentioned here but I get a error "Unable to cast object of type 'System.Web.HttpWriter' to type 'System.IO.StringWriter"...

Using HtmlTextWriter in ASP.NET MVC

I am migrating some old code where HtmlTextWriter is used extensively to render UI elements. I am migrating the code to use ASP.NET MVC 1.0. As far as I am aware, I am not using any of the HtmlTextWriter specific function (such as indentation). Currently, I am using a wrapper method to return string generated by the HtmlTextWriter as f...

Render a RequiredFieldValidator to an HtmlTextWriter

Hi, I am creating a custom server control in which I place a RequiredFieldValidator. In the the Render method and I want to dynamically create a RequiredFieldValidator and render it to the HtmlTextWriter. The problem is, when I call RenderControl on the RequiredFieldValidator, it only generates a span for me with no javascript or client...

In ASP.NET 2.0 how do I remove the extra tabs and line breaks from the rendered page/control output?

I have been researching this one for awhile. I found several resources on the subject and they all tend to use the same approach - override Page.Render, use the HtmlTextWriter to convert the output into a string, and then use a series of compiled regular expressions to remove the extra whitespace. Here is an example. Well, I tried it an...