



is it possible to get HtmlTextWriter of a control?
if no, then how can i call the RenderEndTag of a control in code behind?

i am facing a problem in my application. i extended the listbox user control and override its RenderEndTag event.

if i used the new listbox (Mylistbox) normally inside a WebPage, everything works fine. but when i put Mylistbox in a Webusercontrol and include the Webusercontrol in a WebPage, the RenderEndTag of the control is not called for some reason.

so i guessed that i should explicitly call 'RenderEndTag' of the control. to do so i need to pass an HtmlTextWriter...


so you are basically saying that somewhere in your code when you call


it is not adding the endTag because you think you override the RenderEndTag() method.

Please post code of the override / virtual method as well as where you use it.
