



There is some software I want to write a plugin for. The software includes some sample plugins. I want to create a new fresh project but I want to use one of the sample plugin vsproj's project settings as a template.

It doesn't seem very clear on how to do this. If I do "New Project From Existing Code" that only imports the cpp, h, etc files into the new project.

Right now the only way I can see to copy a sample projects settings is to open two instances of VS2005 next to each other and simply mimic the settings... Surely there is a built in method of doing this?


You could copy the project file and remove all the source files from it.

Then add your new source to that.

Doesn't the software provide a template? When I worked on toolkit that allowed developers to write their own plugins we provided these.

no template provided for some reasons. How do I create my own template? Is VS2005, Export Template is grayed out...
@Jakobud - It's a long time since I had to do this and it was back on VC++ 6.0 so my knowledge is *very* rusty and long out of date.