


+1  Q: 

Mootools in Rails

For my client side development I use MooTools primarily, I have also just recently started learning rails. What is the best method of using Mootools in rails pages? Just adding my code inline like I would any other server side language? Or is there a better and cleaner way to do things?

Basically I'm asking the most conventional way of integrating Mootools into my rails application.


What version of Rails are you using? Starting from Rails 3, the preferred way is to use unobstrusive javascript and there is a driver for Mootools to do that.

I am currently on Rails 2.3.5, should I upgrade. Like I said I'm new to the community and don't have a feel for the trends yet.
If you are still new to Rails, I would suggest getting your hands ready for Rails 3 since you've got nothing to lose and not maintaining legacy project.